Usps Shipping Label 228 Template For Invoice

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Usps Label 228Usps Shipping Label 228 Template For Invoice

I recently printed out labels, and they happened to be the USPS Label 228. I wanted to find a template for word for label 228 January 2008, but didn’t find one that fit. So I decided to create one of my own, and created a word template for you folks looking for a word template for label 228, January 2008.

I made it in Office 2010, but made it compatible for 97-03. And then make sure before you print, uncheck the option to print drawing objects. This will make the picture in the document not show up when it’s printed. It’s done this way so that when you’re printing on the label, the image of the label doesn’t get on the label itself, and only the text will show on the label. The image is only to show you how the label will look when printed. If you have problems or questions, leave a comment. To download the template,. Pass The Message Game Phrases.