Serial Port Data Logger Car

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Serial Port Data Logger

Nov 18, 2016. Data Acquisition » Serial Communications » RS232 Serial Port. Regularly Logging a Vehicle's Fuel-Consumption, Emissions, Location, etc. With Windmill you can use your laptop to log and display your vehicle's fuel consumption, emissions, location and other parameters. Relatively recently manufactured. The project's goal was to design a real-time datalogger. Its function was to fetch data samples from the various systems in the car and store them locally for display once the car has finished competing. The car is fitted with several. The EMU communicates using a serial port at 19.2 kbaud. The system comes with some.

Serial Port Data Logger Sd Card

Logging Car Data on Android by Eric Lathrop Logging Car Data on Android By on February 14, 2014 I'm interested in and I wanted to log data about my car and how I drive. Harlequin Rapidshare Free. I'm also concerned about privacy, and wanted to keep my data private and not rely on a company or service. Since I already had a Android smartphone, I was able to put together a fully automated system for only about $35! Connect to your car with an OBD-II Adaptor All cars sold in the U.S.

After 1996 have a port that lets you talk to the computers built inside of your car. If you have a smartphone, you can buy a for $25 or less.

Make sure you read the reviews carefully because the quality varies wildly. These adaptors are all based on the chip that converts the OBD-II port into a wireless serial device. If you have a serial terminal you can actually type commands into a prompt running on the chip and read data all by yourself! Log the OBD-II Data with TouchScan You can find a multitude of apps on the Play Store to interface with your OBD-II adaptor. After surveying several, I settled on the app for $3.95. TouchScan had the most polished, responsive, and intuitive user interface of all the apps I tried, (including the more popular app).

After installing your OBD-II adaptor in your car, turn your key so the accessories power on. This usually powers on the Engine Control Unit (ECU) in your car, which is the main computer that will send data to your OBD-II port. Now, you should be able to pair your Android phone with the OBD-II Bluetooth adaptor.

If you're asked for a PIN, it's probably '1234'. Once paired, you can launch TouchScan and connect it to your adaptor. With TouchScan connected, navigate to Settings->Communications, and enable 'Connect On Startup' and 'Connect Silently'. Next, navigate to Settings->Log Setup, and check 'Logging Enabled'. If you want the log to include your GPS coordinates, enable the 'Log GPS Items' setting. Now you can click on 'Select Items to Log', and select from a list of all data points you want TouchScan to log.

Now, whenever you open the TouchScan app in your car, it will log at OBD-II data you configured to your phone's internal storage. Automate Data Logging with Tasker I don't want to have to remember to launch TouchScan every time I get in my car, so I used the wonderful Android automation tool to automate it for me. Open Tasker, switch to the Tasks tab, and add a new task called 'TouchScan'. Add an action, under the 'App' category, of type 'Load App'.

Select TouchScan from the list of apps. Press the back button to return to the main screen. Switch to the Profiles tab, and add a new profile with a context of type 'State' in the 'Net' category under 'Bluetooth Connected'. You should be able to press the magnifying glass icon to detect the OBD-II adaptor for both the name and address fields.

At this point, your Android phone will automatically log OBD-II data whenever it connects to the Bluetooth adaptor. The catch is that Android will not automatically connect to the Bluetooth adaptor! Pes 6 Patch Jelen Super Liga Pes.

Automate the Bluetooth Connection with Bluetooth Auto Connect The app fills in a missing gap in Tasker's functionality: it forces the phone to connect to a Bluetooth device that the phone is paired with. Since Bluetooth Auto Connect is also a Tasker plugin, you don't need to interact with it directly. Inside of Tasker, add a new profile called 'Connect to OBD-II'. Johnny Juliano Beat Vault Instrumentals 2016 on this page. Add an action, under the 'Plugin' category of type 'Bluetooth Auto Connect'.

Click on the pencil icon on the Configuration heading. Under 'Devices', make sure your OBD-II adaptor is selected. Now you need to add a profile to trigger the 'Connect to OBD-II' task you just created.