From The Choirgirl Hotel Raritan

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From The Choirgirl Hotel RaritanFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Raritan Nj

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No Dato ut raiease lu This book should bu rnurn&d on or bafora uia oate last stampad An overdue charge of 10 np. Vtill be charged for each day the bo« k is kept overtin e. Ralph Waldo Emerson AT THE AGE OF ABOUT FIFTY The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson BY RALPH L.

RUSK NEW YORK AND LONDON COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS COPYRIGHT @ 1949 BY RALPH L. RUSK First published by Charles Scribner s Sons 1949 Reprinted by Columbia University Press 1957, 1964 Manufactured in the United States of America MARGARET ANN, W. MARIAN and ELLEN PREFACE E ver since I became acquainted with the numerous and rich manu- script sources that had been closely guarded for many years t)ut were at last accessible, it has seemed to me that it ought to be pos- sible to write, not merely a book about Emerson, but one fit to be called his life. Adobe Premiere Video Transition Effects Free Download. The very plenitude of authentic records promised to make realizable, this time, the biographer's dream of re-creating an entire man, much as a novelist or dramatist of insight and imagination creates a char- acter from a less restricted range of experience.