Nick Cave The Bad Seeds Push The Sky Away Rapidshare Free

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Susie Bick

Describing Push the Sky Away in the album Navya Serial Video Song. 's press release, Nick Cave said: 'if I were to use that threadbare metaphor of albums being like children, then Push The Sky Away is the ghost-baby in the incubator and Warren's loops are its tiny, trembling heart-beat.' The songs on the album were written over the course of twelve months and 'took form in a modest notebook' kept by Cave. The notebook contained notes on the album's songs, which were composed from 'Googling curiosities, being entranced by exotic Wikipedia entries 'whether they’re true or not'. 'According to Cave, the songs illustrate how the internet has influenced 'significant events, momentary fads and mystically-tinged absurdities' and 'question how we might recognise and assign weight to what's genuinely important.'

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