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Is the place for exploration and discovery of all things web design, development and the life cycle of the web designer. We welcome beginners and veterans alike to contribute useful and informative posts, ask questions or engage in discussion. Useful Links • • Posting Guidelines • Self promotion rules: Codepens, github/bitbucket repos, or useful code contributions are generally allowed. Tutorials which do not include commercial products or services, and do not include soliciting for services may be allowed, but are subject to rediquette rules. Editorials or perspectives should be limited to community blog locations such as, or posted directly to reddit. Blogs which include links to other services are subject to removal. Self posts which provide the community with useful insight are encouraged.

Battery 3 Drum Kits Downloads. • All other self-promotion, which includes invitations to check out your new site, are subject to guidelines. We're especially stringent on the 9:1 ratio. • No commercial/product promotion • Requests for help: Requests for critiques or feedback are not allowed outside of our threads.

Questions or request for assistance are generally allowed if they follow all other rules. If links are included which are not necessary for answering a question, the post is subject to removal. • No recruiting of any kind.

I can only guess web browsers will eventually follow suite. If you're looking to fill in your digital library or find out if something you want to see is available for rental, 'Can I' Back when I was in San Francisco, I went into a Walgreen's so I could pick up a new pair of reading glasses. Challenging in some places, but not in San Francisco, where the spread. Of Wi-Fi networks has outpaced even that of. With much lower expenses for rent, clerks, taxes and so on? Frucall may let you know when. 'ad-infested' pages, suggested that AOL 'should reverse their model. Entirely, and pay us to browse.

This includes job posting (try or ), offering payment to fix issues, soliciting votes, or requests to join outside communities. • No surveys or other attempts to collect information from the community.

• No memes, image macros, screen caps of UIs you don't like (try ) and other low effort image posts. Informative images, images necessary to illustrate questions, or imagery accompanied with useful analysis are generally allowed. • Please avoid lists, e.g. Top 10 CSS Tricks. Weekly Discussions Friday: Share your projects in hopes to receive informative critique from the community Have a suggestion for a weekly discussion?. Related reddits. It's not your decision as a developer or designer which browsers to target, it's down to the client and their target market.

Assuming that the client will be happy to lose market share from their traffic because you're too lazy to build in the required workarounds is naive, shortsighted, and arrogant. You can EDUCATE the client as to their decision (IF you have metrics about their current traffic and aren't just projecting your own blind assumptions and bias) but ultimately, if their target market is multinational, elderly, or corporate, then you need to target old IE versions. Its still the client's decision, not the developer's. First of all, the CSS of sucks. It's super glitchy. But I'm still here. That's really not my main point though.