Face Sniff Unlock Download Android Ics

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Unlock your phone with your FACE: Hidden software lets Android owners use their head as a PIN (but people with similar looks will be able to hack it) • Google introduced Face Unlock in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich • It acts as an alternative to screen locks involving a pattern or a PIN • The feature isn’t as secure as Apple’s fingerprint scanner because it can be unlocked for people with similar faces • Android KitKat improved a number of bugs in the tool on Nexus 5 handsets By Published: 15:12 GMT, 12 December 2013 Updated: 15:15 GMT, 12 December 2013. • • • • • • It may not have all the bells and whistles, or the expense, of Apple’s fingerprint scanner, but Google does offer an alternative way to unlock an Android phone - and it involves using your face. The Face Unlock feature was originally introduced in 2011 as part of Android 4.0, also known as Ice Cream Sandwich, but despite this, it is still a relatively unknown tool. It can recognise a person’s face and recent updates mean it can even establish whether or not the face being shown to the camera is real, or is a photograph. Google already lets its users enable two-step verification for their online accounts, and offers Face Unlock on Android. With Face Unlock, pictured, Android users can use their face to unlock their smartphone or tablet, in place of a PIN or a pattern To set up Face Unlock, people with Android phones running Ice Cream Sandwich or higher can go to Settings, Security, click on Screen Lock and select Face Unlock. The set-up wizard will then ask the user to take a photo of their face, using the device’s front-facing camera.

It will also advise if the lighting or positioning isn’t clear enough. To set up Face Unlock, people with Android phones running Ice Cream Sandwich or higher can go to Settings, Security, click on Screen Lock and select Face Unlock.

The set-up wizard will then ask the user to take a photo of their face, using the device’s front-facing camera. List Of Hotmail Email Addresses Download Itunes here. It will also advise if the lighting or positioning isn’t clear enough.

Once a photograph is taken it is stored in an encrypted file and each time a person wants to unlock their phone with their face, the Android system will cross-reference the image with this original photograph. As a backup, users need to additionally set up a screen lock pattern or PIN, in case the camera breaks or fails to recognise their face. This can happen in poor lighting, for example. When Google launched Face Unlock it was criticised by security experts because it could be bypassed by holding static photos up to the phone or tablet's camera. In the update to Android Jelly Bean in July 2012, Google added a 'liveness' check in an attempt to prevent these static images being used to gain access to devices. This meant a user would have to blink while using Face Unlock to prove they were alive.

A number of Nexus 5 users reported problems with the Face Unlock feature when the phone launched earlier this year, but Google has said that these bugs should be fixed with the introduction of Android 4.4 KitKat. In June, details emerged of a Google patent, pictured, that would let users unlock their phones by pulling silly faces, such as frowning, poking out their tongue or wriggling their nose. Buddha Room The Mandarin Bar Lounge Rar Download.